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Saturday, September 5, 2009

gay mood is back..

oh yeeeeeeah, can't believe i'm doing this blogging shit right now and i feel so gay.. anyway felt sehr high now when i'm writing cause it's already zwei Uhr Tag and it's my high time.. so who the hell cares.. cant blame me for being like this.. i won't remember what i'm saying right now the next day cause my head is cramming right now.. woohoo!!

Having my trial right now and it feels like shit especially for my history.. slept almost the whole period when exam time cause i hardly know any questions to answer.. history is the worse n the weakest paper for me to score.. i don't even have the mood to read it.. i don't understand how those nerds *hehe* can read the whole zwei Jahre Buch n memories the whole crap inside.. why must we study history? is it necessary cause it doesn't help much for our future.. are we going to have a 2nd independent day cause i can't stand all this brainless prime minister right now.. if they're thinking that history can help us in recognising those History Man and be proud of being a Malaysian, forget it..

anyway hate talking bout political stuff cause makes me feel like i actually know so many things and this shit is not me.. not gonna stress much on trial and will concentrate on spm.. aft that, hang out, high, hang out, high, hang out, and high again.. gila sial.. plan to having more tattoos cause there's lot of pictures i'm imaginating and i have this addiction to have tats.. so gonna earn more money and do it with friends when the right time comes..

woah, can't imagine that i can really blog bout so much stuff.. damn.. so yeah, went to pyramid on saturday which is already yesterday and wanted to skate.. na zhi dao i forgot there's a hockey tournament going on and cant get to skate liao.. swt lah.. haha wtf... chinese shit ass.. so went snooker with samuel and charg yi cause chee houw, andy, and eujin need to head back to kk.. so it was quite boring doing nothing today.. hope it wont happen 'today' also..

that's enough, i feel i'm enough bitchie right now and i'm gonna stop.. chao bitches!!