? ??????????????Blue Graffiti? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (48 Ratings)??20 Grabs Today. 13664 Total Grabs. ??
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

high moments..

suppost to have bball after tuition, but suddenly rain so we went mcD to hang out.. there's cheouw, kai, shaun, chuang, charng yi, yoona'bryan', and andy the crazy bitch in only kai's car..two person was in his boot and evrbody was looking at us and thinking whether these bastards on drugs?? shaun and bryan was in the boot and shouting here and there making me jealous cause i can't get to be with 'him' in the boot.. hahah, shits.. evrbody goes crazy over there, bryan and andy sucking the pepper with a straw got choked and vomitted, andy and some of them drank coke with fries pepper and tomato in it without realizing, dumb asses, laughing at those malays that're gonna open fast cause they bought ice-cream and not eating it when it's melting, me and shaun finally get to take gay pics together before we're leaving to cyber.. haha

this pic is really effing gay..
so it was andy and charng yi's turn to sit in the boot to cyber.. charng yi joked that he can't breathe inside and shocked kai.. he even wanted to stop the car.. kai got his revenge by braking all the way and they bang on something in the boot.. played half life there and was scolding and laughing like hell.. kai's smart enough to change to shaun's name and killed all of us.. even got a scolding from the person working there cause we're so noisy..
that's all for today.. I'M NOT GAY!!